Flea Control

Bed Bugs
June 25, 2018
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Rodent Control in Los Angeles
December 10, 2018
Bed Bugs
June 25, 2018
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Rodent Control in Los Angeles
December 10, 2018

Flea Control

If you are new to owning a pet, you might be surprised at how many different things you have to keep on top of. Vaccination, medical examinations, heartworm medication, intestinal worms, dog food … the list seems endless. Today I want to give you the basics of controlling fleas, which is essential to your pet and your house parasite.

Flea treatment is very simple. Use good quality flea control product (such as Frontline Plus) on your pet every month until you have a flea infestation, and probably will never have the problem of fleas.

Also, flea treatment can be quite difficult. Using poor quality flea control product (or nothing) and allow big flea infestation to accumulate in your pet (and at home).

If you are someone who has done the former, give your hit on the back and stop reading. You and your pet can expect a long, flea free and happy life.

If, on the other hand, you’re knee-deep in fleas, here’s what to do:

  1. Buy a good quality flea control product.

The quality here is important. Buying a dodgy, unproven flea treatment product from local pet supermarket just will not cut it, and perhaps the reason that you are here looking for advice on your flea problem. Flea shampoos, collars, and powders are out of it! Instead, get one of the known and proven flea control, such as Frontline Plus, Comfort or revolution. Be sure to follow all instructions when applying the product. This includes a proper application.

  1. Clean your house – thoroughly


All of these fleas on your pet have been dropping eggs everywhere your pet go. Each flea lays up to 50 eggs a day; there is bound to be juvenile fleas galore around your pet’s favorite hangout. You have to vacuum your house thoroughly and be sure to throw out the bag away immediately. Steam mop will be a better option. Wash all pet bedding in hot water; soak for at least 10 minutes. Repeat this process twice weekly as long as you see fleas.

In most cases, these two steps are sufficient for your flea problem under control. This will not happen overnight, but after a few weeks, most of the fleas should be gone from your house and pet.

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